Industry Masters Attended VIP Activities of Animation Industry Association

From August 7th to August 8th, the Shanghai Animation Industry Association held the third member event in 2018 in the lecture hall on the fourth floor of East China Normal University Press. During the event, Guo Yuhua, general manager of Shanghai Xuan Motion Communication Co., Ltd., Zhang Tianxiao, general manager of Shanghai Today Animation Film[…..] […]

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“Smallfoot” Published its New Trailer, James Kimberley Corden Sang the Soundtrack

On August 3rd, the animated “Smallfoot ” by Channing Tatum, James Koden, LeBron James, Zandaya and others released a new official announcement (official Chinese characters) about “Little Feet” The fantasy story of humans and the “bigfoot” snowman. The film wants to subvert the terrible bigfoot legend: people are afraid of snow monsters? I don’t know[…..] […]

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Next Gen Receiving High Acclaim Overseas, Powerful Armour Shows up on ChinaJoy and Becomes Autodyne Props

The 2018 China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Exhibition (ChinaJoy) came to an end, and the powerful lineup of the animated film “Future Machine City” super-strong mech national cruise Shanghai station made ChinaJoy an unprecedented event. In the four-day exhibition, in addition to the exhibition of the two physical armor of 7723 and the war king,[…..] […]

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Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation Published its Poster, Dracula Taking Adventures Hilariously in Seek of His Love

The summer hit Hollywood animated film “The Elf Hostel 3: Crazy Holiday” will be officially released on August 17th. After three years, this classic movie is finally back. The film was directed by the original director Gwendi Tatakowski, and Adam Sandler, Selena Gomez, Steve Bussie, Kevin James and other original players. Today’s film released “Love[…..] […]

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The First Animated Feature to be Invited to Venice International Film Festival – “The Wind Guardians”

With the opening of the Venice International Film Festival, the animated film “Wind Mantra”, which is being shown in various theaters, was selected as a special film screening for the “Focus on China” market. The producer Tao Hong will be represented as a representative. As the first animated feature film invited to participate in the[…..] […]

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“Boonie Bears” Receives High Acclaims Overseas – the Chinese Bear Successfully Going Abroad

“《熊出沒》太好看了!”“我喜歡熊大,因為他聰明!”“內容非常有趣,還告訴我們要保護環境。“在俄羅斯、土耳其、新加坡等電視電影論壇與網站上,許多孩子紛紛在中國動畫《熊出沒》的頁面留言,表達喜愛之情。除此之外,“熊出沒”經常收到國際熊粉的來信與祝福,許多熊粉環球旅遊時都不忘帶上熊出沒角色公仔,熊出沒衍生品的第一個國際訂單更是來自一個俄羅斯的小男孩——這是多年來中國動畫品牌“熊出沒”積極踐行國家“一帶一路”倡議,推動“一帶一路”沿線國家和地區文化交流的一處縮影。   從2012年開始,《熊出沒》系列動畫便開始在“一帶一路”國家廣泛發行,為適應“一帶一路”沿線多個國家和地區不同的語言文化環境,真正做到“民心相通”,《熊出沒》動畫作品在創作時同步譯製成英語、俄語、印度語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、義大利語、法語等多個語種,先後進入俄羅斯Karusel、中東IRIB、新加坡PCCW、印尼MNCTV、土耳其SHOWTV等多個國家電視臺和主流平臺播出,動畫電影也陸續在多國上映,好評如潮。 講好中國故事品質征服全球 “一帶一路”政策為中國文化產業走出國門提供了機遇,但要想打破海外媒體與觀眾對中國文化有失偏駁的固有印象,消除地域、民族之間的文化隔閡,唯有靠過硬的產品品質以及正能量的價值觀念。 “熊出沒”品牌秉承“講好中國故事,傳遞中國正能量”的核心創作理念,打造全生態內容體系,傳遞正能量,為全球觀眾帶來歡樂。憑藉精湛的創作手法以及全新的概念、形式,並融入大量的生動幽默表演,熊出沒獲得成人和兒童觀眾的一致喜愛,成為進軍國際市場的先行者。通過探討“保護森林”和環保等話題,傳遞由親情、友情、勇氣和夢想等正能量元素組建的核心價值觀,引起海內外觀眾的一致認可。 2018年春節在國內上映的《熊出沒·變形記》更是因展現了偉大的中國式父子情深的話題感動了眾多影迷,影片中光頭強和爸爸“父與子”親情主線貫穿於這場冒險之旅中,輕鬆幽默又溫情感人,作為一部闔家歡的大電影,電影細緻的人物表情處理和細膩的情節設置,將中國式“父愛無言”的父親形象生動地展現在世界觀眾面前。 從中國熊到國際熊土耳其票房奪冠 在國內廣受歡迎的同時,《熊出沒》也享譽海外。迄今為止,《熊出沒》系列動畫已發行至美國、義大利、墨西哥等全球82個國家和地區,在迪士尼、索尼、Netflix等全球知名平臺熱播,持續向全世界傳播中國文化。與此同時,華強方特與俄羅斯、哈薩克斯坦、中東黎馬嫩、馬來西亞、印尼、印度、柬埔寨等50餘個“一帶一路”國家發行商簽約,持續將《熊出沒》出口至“一帶一路”沿線國家和地區。 值得一提的是,《熊出沒》大電影在土耳其的票房屢創新高。此前,《熊出沒》已有三部動畫電影在土耳其上映,均取得上佳表現。《熊出沒之奪寶熊兵》一經上映更躍居土耳其動畫類電影票房第1名,超第二名動畫電影《壞貓》當周電影票房近3倍。(《壞貓》是由土耳其最大的動畫製作商生產的動畫電影),在當地引起巨大反響。2018年1月26日,第四部電影《熊出沒·奇幻空間》在土耳其繼續上映,票房一舉超出上一部2倍多,當地表現極其突出。 在2018年5月舉行的第71屆戛納電影節上,土耳其發行商繼續簽約了華強方特最新電影《熊出沒·變形記》以及《熊出沒》系列動畫片。其負責人就對於《熊出沒》在土耳其的表現稱讚有加,認為“《熊出沒》系列動畫作品內容很好,對未來的市場表現非常有信心”。 民心相通用文化交流拉緊文化紐帶 推動“一帶一路”沿線國家和地區交流的關鍵在於“民心相通”,只有先達到“文化相通”,讓全世界觀眾瞭解、接納中國文化,才能做到“民心相通”。《熊出沒》動畫作品在創作時同步譯製成英語、俄語、印度語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、義大利語、法語等多個語種,電視動畫與大電影在50多個“一帶一路”沿線國家播出、上映後,獲得一致稱讚。這些作品通過帶有浪漫色彩的故事和獨特的中國元素,與全世界的觀眾們建立了深厚的感情,“熊大熊二、光頭強”等主要角色更是成為海外小觀眾的中國偶像,孩子們在學校分享、討論相關最新劇集,儼然形成了獨特的文化現象。 國際動畫行業人士給予“熊出沒”品牌極高的期待與讚賞,許多具備深厚全球發行經驗的片商紛紛表示看好《熊出沒》系列作品,他們對每一部作品都很熟悉:“《熊出沒》每部作品中,都宣導了一個優秀的品質,非常難能可貴,我們認為很好。” 非洲跨國媒體集團四達時代以及土耳其最大的綜合頻道之一Show TV也與《熊出沒》有過深度的國際合作,Show TV內容採購總監Ebru Tuzlaci表示其兒子非常喜歡《熊出沒》。《熊出沒》動畫片“保護森林”的環保理念,《熊出沒之過年》中的互幫互助、《熊出沒之奪寶熊兵》中的感人親情、《熊出沒之雪嶺熊風》中的可貴友情,是《熊出沒》吸引她的最關鍵原因,同時“動畫能將這些主題融入到幽默與搞笑當中,有趣又有意義。”《熊出沒》系列動畫在印度發行後同樣引起了廣泛好評,印度片商在購買《熊出沒》系列動畫在印度境內的發行權之後,片子在印度熱播,印度片商再次聯繫方特動漫希望獲得《熊出沒》系列動畫印度語在全球的發行權,希望能讓全球的印度人都能看到《熊出沒》系列動畫。       […]

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Box Office: ‘Rim’ Opens On Top, As ‘Panther’ Adds Records

Wes Anderson’s ‘Isle of Dogs’ does strong business in limited release, as ‘Sherlock Gnomes’ struggles. By Thomas J. McLean | Monday, March 26, 2018 at 12:26pm In 3D, Business, Films, Stop-Motion, Visual Effects | ANIMATIONWorld, Headline News, VFXWorld | Geographic Region: All, North America ‘Pacific Rim: Uprising’ topped the domestic box office in its debut[…..] […]

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Review: A Tale of Two Dogtoons – ‘Isle of Dogs’ and ‘Lady and the Tramp’

More than 60 years separate these animated films featuring Wes Anderson and Walt Disney’s very different takes on man’s best friend. By Joe Strike | Monday, March 26, 2018 at 11:39am In 2D, Films, People, Reviews, Stop-Motion | ANIMATIONWorld, Blog Post | Blogs: The Miscweant | Geographic Region: All Saturday, February 17th: a day that[…..] […]

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“Monkey Magic” is Scheduled for September 22

Today, the long-awaited 3D animated film Monkey Magic officially announced the finale on September 22nd, celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. At the same time, the “Dinghai Shenzhen” version of the fixed-post poster was released, officially entering the Mid-Autumn Festival. Monkey King Guards the Golden Hoop Bar As can be seen from the poster, the 300-pound Dasheng[…..] […]

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