Produced by Universal Studios and Illumination Entertainment, made by the crew of “The Secret Life of Pets” and “Despicable Me”, the animated comedy film “The Secret Life of Pets 2” released the first trailer, presenting the daily communication conflicts between the cat and her master. The tsundere cat Chloe performs a series of quirky postures and seduces her master, as opposed to her normal arrogance, which[…..] […]
Category: News
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” was Presented Detroit Film Critics Society Awards
A few days ago, winners of the 2018 Detroit Film Critics Society Awards were released. The Best Animation Award was presented to the superhero animated film “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” jointly produced by Columbia Pictures, Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures Animation. In addition, “Eighth Grade” won Best Film, Ethan Hawke (“First Reformed”) and Toni Collette (“Hereditary”) won Best Actor and Best Actress. At the[…..] […]
“Aquaman” is Shortlisted for Academy Awards Best Visual Effects in Primary Election
The new DC superhero movie “Aquaman” produced by Warner Bros. will be released on Friday. Recently the film is also shortlisted for the 91st Academy Awards Best Visual Effects in the primary election. This good news will undoubtedly rise fans’ expectations for the release of the film. In addition, in the latest officially exposed “Brothers in Final Battle” poster, the Aquaman and the Ocean Master Orm confront each other fiercely with[…..] […]
Glass Eye Pix & Beck Underwood’s Creepy Christmas Film Fest Returns
By Mercedes Milligan | November 30, 2018 Ten years since it was first conceived, filmmaker and animator Beck Underwood and New York City-based production company Glass Eye Pix are bringing back their “digital advent calendar” for genre film fans for 2018. The Creepy Christmas Film Festival kicks off this weekend, presenting a new Christmas-themed horror[…..] […]
LOBO/Vetor Zero Bring Back Coca-Cola Polar Bears for Delightful ‘Rules of Christmas
International creative animation & design studio LOBO/Vetor Zero animates new Coca-Cola holiday campaign, ‘Christmas Rules.’ By Jennifer Wolfe | Friday, November 30, 2018 at 10:53am NEW YORK — International creative animation/design studio LOBO recently collaborated with Coca-Cola for their 25th anniversary celebration, bringing back the iconic Coca-Cola Polar Bears for the company’s latest Christmas campaign.[…..] […]
Dragon Forge Rise of Ultraman
The animated film directed by Wang Wei, “The Rise of the Iron Dragon of Steel Dragon”, was the first to be announced today. The giant Altman, the steel dragon five warriors and the new character Lele debuted. Along with the cool and fast-cutting battle lens of the Iron Dragon, and the arrogant and killing skills[…..] […]
Popular Asian Comics “tian qiao xia de tian tang” is Scheduled to be Adapted onto Screen
Kinmen Production announced the acquisition of the copyright of the popular hot work of the Malaysian popular cartoon black jellyfish “Paradise under the bridge”, and plans to put it on the big screen to meet the expectations of fans and readers. 12 weeks in the top of the list “Paradise under the bridge” is a[…..] […]
National Bureau of Statistics’ No. 23 Order : Incorporating “Anime, Games and Digital Content Services” into Strategic Emerging Industries
On November 26th, the official website of the National Bureau of Statistics released Order No. 23 – “Strategic Emerging Industries Classification (2018)” (hereinafter referred to as the 2018 classification), which was approved in the 15th executive meeting of the National Bureau of Statistics on October 12, 2018 and announced now, implemented from the date its[…..] […]
From toB to toC, the Business of Dramas is Taking a Huge Transformation
The surface is as static as water, but the inside is turbulent. Any industry that has not played for too long, has no innovation, and has not changed for too long has huge opportunities. Such as the episode of this “old” business. Since the online drama has subverted the order of the past “Post-Taiwan”, this[…..] […]
The Most Valuable Report of Domestic Animation’s Audience Born after 2000, with Data Gathered from 3000 People
For the entire country, the post-00 represents a special significance. Under the impact of the Internet era, children born in 2000 were called “millennials” and “Internet aborigines” by netizens. Coupled with the increase in the number of online comics platforms in recent years, the chances of watching comics after 00 are more than after 80[…..] […]