Metaverse helps China’s agricultural industry

As a carrier of the integration of the virtual world and the real world, the metaverse contains great opportunities for the revolutionary transformation of social networking, content, games, office and other scenes.

Metaverse technology is a comprehensive technology, which must be integrated with the Internet of Things, biotechnology, information technology, artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, virtual reality and other modern technologies. Among them, virtual reality is the key application of the metaverse.

The metaverse is applied to all aspects of agriculture, including agricultural production and management, experience, and sales.

In the production process, agricultural operators show users or consumers the whole process of agricultural production and management with the help of virtual reality technology, so that users can watch and experience agricultural production and management in a full and visual way.

In the sales process, as an important part of the agricultural metaverse, virtual avatars have great application potential in agricultural products propaganda, promotion and live-streaming with goods. Especially with the undying fervor for live-streaming with goods in recent years, the low willingness and reluctance of farmers to appear on camera is still a prevalent problem in rural areas of China. In this regard, virtual avatars can not only replace real people and appear in live-streaming with goods, but also have the unique advantages of an attractive appearance, knowing standard Mandarin, being available online 24/7 and so on. In addition, agricultural metaverse avatars can also act as tour guides for leisurely agriculture experiences and interact with consumers, so that consumers can experience the fun of the fields in a more three-dimensional way.

In the whole agricultural sphere, the metaverse also needs to be integrated with 5G technology, VR technology and intelligent robotics to achieve a perfect presentation of virtual reality; otherwise, the agricultural application of metaverse technology will only remain at the technical level.

For the agricultural sector, the agricultural metaverse is still in its beginning stage, or at the stage of promotion. The lack of momentum in the development of the agricultural metaverse is also an objective factor contributing to the small size of the agricultural metaverse and its singular commercial application.

 Technological application is still in its infancy

The agricultural metaverse relies on the maturity and development of smart agriculture and digital agriculture, rather than existing as a separate technology. In the process of enabling agriculture and rural areas, it needs to be integrated with smart agriculture, digital agriculture and blockchain agriculture to have greater developmental space.

 Industrial integration is not enough

The problem of agriculture is not only the problem of production and sales, but also the disharmony and imbalance of the whole industry. In order to get through to the whole agricultural industry, it needs to not only provide products or technologies, but also help improve industrial thinking and service-oriented thinking for traditional agriculture.

At present, the project is initiated by technology companies, rather than agricultural industry companies or agricultural enterprises, which also leads to the lack of integration between the metaverse with agriculture and industry.

 Lack of talent and research and development

At present, the talent gap for AI talents in China is more than 5 million, and the ratio of domestic supply and demand is 1:10. The ratio of supply and demand is seriously unbalanced. Artificial intelligence technology not only has a wide range of application scenarios, but also can be combined with a variety of disciplines. Artificial intelligence technology is needed in voice assistants, metaverse, and the digital transformation of the financial sector.

Metaverse talent is basically a training system for artificial intelligence technology, rather than meeting the development and needs of metaverse. After all, the metaverse is a crossover field. Therefore, the development of the metaverse still needs time to test and promote.

In terms of commercial applications, enterprises and local governments also actively explore the landing and application of the agricultural universe, and some models are worth learning from.

Virtual humans and the digital man are important directions for agriculture + metaverse applications. Metaverse companies have created a virtual human to help agricultural enterprises or agricultural scenes to realize agricultural production management or experience. In addition to experience, the virtual human has also achieved a wide range of applications in the livestream sales end.

The virtual farm covers the whole chain of agricultural production and management, developing a metaverse farm ecosystem. Controlling from the source, using blockchain and big data modern technology to trace the whole life cycle of food, a creative combination of Internet + blockchain technology and modern agriculture has been achieved.

With the maturity of metaverse technology, the agricultural metaverse will become an important technology in agricultural production management and agricultural services, helping to improve agricultural premiums and efficiency.

The progress of metaverse technology will certainly bring great development to agriculture and rural areas. Although China’s agricultural metaverse is still in its initial stage and exploratory period, with the development and maturity of 5G technology and VR technology, agriculture + metaverse will certainly upgrade and land from technology to industry, which is the inevitable way and the future development trend of agriculture.

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