“Detective Conan: Executor of Zero” Promising to be Introduced into Mainland China

The latest theater edition of Japan’s popular anime Detective Conan – Detective Conan: executor of Zero – has recently established the official Weibo Account – @film Detective Conan: executor of Zero. Once established, the account has been circulated explosively all over the network and broadcast by major medias such as Sina Movie and WeChat public cccounts like DS Movie. Fans of the official Weibo Account quickly amounted to 10,000, waiting to verifying the film’s introduction into mainland.

Topping Japan’s Box Office, Exceeding Ready Player One and Avengers: Infinity War

As the annual work of Detective Conan‘s big screen series, the theater edition of Detective Conan has always received great attention and popularity among audiences. The latest theater edition Detective Conan: Executor of Zero in 2018 has been breaking the box office records since its release in Japan on April 13th. Achieving 7 consecutive championships at the weekend’s box office, it became the highest-ranking theater edition of Detective Conan series ever, not second to the later released Ready Player One and Avengers: Infinity War.


Playing times Ranking First & Second at Major Platforms, Arousing Audiences’ Expectations

Detective Conan has always been the most popular animated classic for Chinese audiences, ranking first & second in animation list at all major video websites. After the establishment of the official microblog of Detective Conan: Executor of Zero, fans earnestly commented, “How I wanna cry!”, “What good news!”, “Finally comes it!”, and burst into laughter: “The movie you won’t miss even at the cost of skipping classes.” “Let the film with “the most dangerous task, the most brain-exhausting reasoning and the most difficult game” become the most anticipated film in 2018.  The theatre edition of Detective Conan is the most anticipated film in 2018. The film “Detective Conan: Executor of Zero” promises to be introduced, so keep awaiting.









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