BCON tickets are available now!

The Blender event of the year! The largest gathering of artists, developers and contributors will take place again at the beautiful 18th century neo-classical Felix Meritis in the heart of Amsterdam.

Five tracks of parallel events

The new Felix Meritis venue offers 5 tracks of parallel events and a lot of space for informal meetings and hangout. As usual, content will be recorded and shared online during the event.

A dedicated 12-people meeting room will be available as well. Reservations for the room will be accepted 2 weeks before the conference start.

Food & Drinks

Included in the ticket price are drinks and food: coffee, tea and water available all day, multiple lunch buffets, and Thursday and Friday evening dinner buffets with drinks. Half of the food served will be vegan.


At this moment the final schedule is still being worked on. There were over 90 presentations last year.

Just note the following:

Door opens at 9:00 every day.

  • Program starts at 11:00 on Thursday, and at 10:00 on Friday/Saturday.
  • All catering is included in the ticket price (three lunches and two evening buffets).
  • Thursday and Friday there will be screenings from the Suzanne Awards, lasting until 22:00.
  • Saturday the program stops at 18:00, venue closes at 20:00.
  • Sunday is the traditional ‘visit the Blender HQ’ day. Starts at 12:00.
  • Special Interest Groups

The schedule for the conference will be final on 19th of October. Until that day you can still apply for organizing a special interest group meeting. Examples as we have now are: community meetings in Italian/Spanish/German, USD users/developers meetup, and educators meeting. Room fits up to roughly 50 people. Note; it’s in the tower room with only stairs access.

Contact conference at blender.org for last minute scheduling.

Private Meeting Room

Conference visitors can apply for a slot in the private meeting room; which is a table seating 12 people. Meetings are private and invitation only, these will not be announced. Meetings should be related to helping Blender forward. For example: Blender Foundation meetings with Development Fund Patron members, Cycles architecture board meeting, etc.

Contact foundation at blender.org to apply for a meeting room slot.

Purchase tickets now:

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