“The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part” Released a Christmas-Styled Promotion Short “Emmet’s Holiday Party”
The classic animated film The LEGO Movie 2: The Second Part exposed a Customized Short “Happy Christmas” today, in which the adorable Lego minifigure Emmet in a new Christmas suit was building a giant Christmas tree with his friends and planning to throw a Christmas party. This short is regarded to be customized for Christmas with a brand new plot and scenes without confrontations between good and evil. All the characters gathered together to celebrate Christmas in a joyful atmosphere! The movie will be released in North America on February 8, 2019. Stay tuned for more exciting contents.
Unlimited Joys! Lego Minifigures Initiated Christmas Celebrations
The customized short released by The LEGO Movie 2 is full of imaginations. Emmet initiated Christmas celebrations by wearing a green Christmas hat and a scarf. As Emmet chatted with his girlfriend Lucy, his word “festival party” unexpectedly aroused excitement of the masses. So Emmet initiated a whole set of plans, determined to create an enormously wonderful Christmas party. As a result, the whole town was brought to vibrancy. People started to build the ice rink, light up the lanterns, and build a giant Christmas tree. In this national event, every Lego minifigures eagerly participated in the construction projects. Their goal this time was to make the outer space see this Christmas spectacle! Surprisingly, the superheroes favored by the audience also took part in the carnival. Batman danced on the ice in a red Christmas jacket that is rare to see; Wonder Woman and Green Lantern lit up the Christmas tree. It is fascinating to see them contributing labors joyfully for the oncoming holiday.
A Shocking Reversal! Celebrating the Holiday across Outer Space
Through the unremitting efforts of Emmet, Lucy and others, the whole town had changed greatly and was immersed in Christmas atmosphere. The towering Christmas trees are decorated with colorful lanterns, with dazzling light illuminating the night. Even the ice surfaces in front of trees became fascinating in the reflections. The Lego minifigures danced to the joyful holiday music on the ice, which makes the Batman admire, “It’s so beautiful.” However, the giant Christmas tree also attracted the attention of outer space creatures, who came in the spacecrafts unexpectedly, leaving the villagers in panic and a highly alert state. To their surprise, the little stars floating from the spacecrafts flew directly to the top of the Christmas tree, sent festive wishes to everyone, indulging them in warmth. With no confrontation between good and evil, the short distinguishes itself from the Lego movies, sending more sincere and jorful Christmas greetings to the audience. It makes the audience anticipate the new adventures of “Lego Movie 2” more.
Directed by Mike Mitchell, The film is dubbed by Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Will Arnett, Tiffany Haddish, Stephanie Beatriz, Arturo Castro and other stars. It will be released in North America on February 8, 2019.
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