The Festival Celebrates its 60th Anniversary with a Unique Edition

Passion, creation, discussions, projects, reunions, and so much more! The first large international cultural event to welcome the public in France, Annecy 2021 marked the return of on-site events and made the city swing in rhythm to its Festival!


As a reflection of our industry’s sector, which adapted to the exceptional situation we are experiencing with an agility that enabled both talents and the industry to continue the pursuit of their activity and current projects, we dreamed up this unprecedented event.

The context may have been complicated, but over the months we concocted Annecy 2021, driven by an intense desire to find our way back into film theatres and create conditions conducive to professional meetings.

The number of feature films in competition was historic, and the meetings programme was exceptional, both at the Festival and the Mifa. Professionals’ had renewed confidence, major studios reserved great premieres just for us, and the Village du Festival filled with events especially for the general public… Dynamics were restored!

Thanks to all those who worked tirelessly alongside us for this edition’s success: film crews, project leaders, volunteers, badgeholders, service providers, institutional, media and private partners.

Annecy is 60 years old… and still animated!

The 2021 edition in a few figures

Annecy 2021 and Women

  • In 60 years, from 9% to nearly 45% of the films were directed by women in the Official Selection.
  • 2 female directors won in the Feature Films category this year, for the first time in the Festival’s history.
  • Equal gender juries
  • The parity at the Meetings programme:
  • 50% speakers in the Conferences
  • 50% speakers in the Masterclasses
  • 42% speakers in the WIP

Figures and history for these categories.

Mifa Pitches, 22 projects out of 37 selected were directed or co-directed by women.

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