Sino-Japanese Co-Produced Animation “Hello, Tyranno” Exposed its Poster and will be Exhibited at BIFF

Poster of the Movie “Hello, Tyranno”

Based on the work of illustration master Tatsuya,  co-directed by Lin Zhenzhao and Kobun Shizuno (Japan),  the Sino-Japanese Co-Produced Animation “Hello, Tyranno” exposed a poster before being exhibited at the Busan International Film Festival. In the poster, the fierce and strong Tyrannosaurus Rex and the petite Smaller pterosaurs make a strong contrast. This unexpected combination not only breaks the food chain rule, but also lays a foundation for their future legendary adventures.

Cold Hegemon VS Little Cutie, the “Contrast Lovely” Partners Arousing Expectations

At the opening of the 23rd BIFF, the film “Hello, Tyranno” exposed a poster of the film-exhibition version. In the poster, the natural enemies of the huge, deep-eyed and grim Tyrannosaurus Reh Hart and the petite and innocent Pterosauria Sakura do not fight against each other. Instead, they make an effect of “contrast lovely” in the unexpected combination. The purple sky is also adds a  mysterious touch to the dinosaur era. The story of how this “contrast lovely” combination becomes partners and what adventures  they have experienced has been anticipated.

Sino-Japanese Artisans Joined Hands to Continue the Master’s “Temperature of Love”

Based on one of the world’s best-selling picture book author MIYANISHI, co-directed by Lin Zhenzhao and Kobun Shizuno (Japan), the film “Hello, Tyranno” tells the story of the dinosaurs looking for an oasis for survival in the coming of the ice age.  The vegetarian Tyrannosaurus Rex and the pterosaur girl Sakura who dared not to fly became traveling companions unexpectedly, experienced a journey of joy and adventures, became the most important friend of each other’s life, and ultimately helped resolve the crisis of the oasis and defeated the white demon. Continuing Miyasida’s warming style of “anti-routing” and “anti-conventional”, the film incorporates delicate emotions into the joyful adventure story.

It is reported that “Hello, Tyranno” will be presented in the 23rd BIFF to meet its first round of audience, and more likely to achieve overseas distribution, meeting more audiences.

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