The Animated Film “Travel With the Wind” Exposed its Characters and Cast
Produced by Hangzhou Minglang Film Production Co., Ltd., the famous director Zhang Guochao and Huang Jingtian’s animated film “Travel With the Wind” will be released soon. “Travel With the Wind” is the original IP of Minglang, following the little dinosaur A Feng, who came to the rich and beautiful Qingquan Forest to find the clues of his birth information, but was involved in a terrible conspiracy in the forest. Maureen Donley is one of the creative directors of “Travel With the Wind”. As a Disney top producer, she has created classic works such as “The Lion King”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Beauty and the Beast”.
Recently, Minglang has officially announced the comprehensive cast list that includes Duan Yirui, Xu Kai, Zhao Chengchen, Lin Qiang, Liu Yuhan, Zhao Zhen, Hu Liangwei, Liu Xiaoqian, Lucy and other popular voicing stars.
A few days ago, the film “Travel With the Wind” was recording the voices in Beijing for its release version. The enthusiasm of the voicing staff stroke the creators on the scene. Liu Wei, who plays the eagle mother, touched the directors with her sincere performances. A fine voice is able to mirror the soul of an animated character. Such a brilliant voicing lineup increases people’s anticipations for the movie.
Zhang Guochao, the director of “Travel With the Wind”, is the winner of the Golden Eagle Award. As one of the third-generation animation directors in China, Zhang initiated his careed in Hangzhou Animation Company. He has been dedicated to creating works with both fun and educational meanings. In his view, good marketing and publicity is only the first step for the small dinosaurs to open the world door. As for the next crucial step, Zhang said: “We will attract the audiences worldwide with striking stories.”
Previously, “Travel With the Wind” has released the first set of character posters in Chinese ink style, which assembled the main characters in the film.
This set of “Chinese Ink” posters were created by top domestic painters, featuring a strong Chinese style. The poster presents each character’s most representative actions, matched with a smart and delicate look, showing the personality of each character and their roles in the crazy adventure.
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