Animated Film “The Eight Immortals” Exposed the Concept Poster
Directed by Cao Bo, written by Xue Peng, based on the classic Chinese folklore “The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea”, the latest masterpiece of domestic animation – “eight immortals” – was officially set to be released on October 20. Today, the concept poster of the film was officially released, presenting the Eight Immortals in the mortal world and suggesting the start of a dispute.The Oriental Aesthetics contained in the film has shown the tip of the iceberg.
Adapted from Classic IP, the Film was Made to be a Classic with Ingenuity
The story of “Eight Immortals” began in the world of artifacts, and attracted a large number of demons to compete. Lan Caihe dedicated to studying medicine; He Xiangu possessed by the cat demon; Iron Crutch Li attending to his iron shop; Zhang Guolao and Cao Guojiu, cultivating themselves to immortality; Han Xiangzi who did not have wisdom and cultivated himself casually. At the time of the crisis, together with the immortal Lü Dongbin and Han Zhongli who were ordered to descend to the mortal world, they will end this catastrophe that starts with the fighting for jade pipe and brings the mortal world endless sufferings.
As a new work of domestic animation, both the script and expression form of “Eight Immortals” present the rich heritage of traditional Chinese cultures. Based on Chinese popular classic folklore “Legends of the Eight Immortals”, the film is dedicated to building a grand worldview with oriental characteristics. It incorporates oriental elements such as jade pipe, Bagua, architecture, and gods, supporting all plots, characters and artifacts as the background. The high-quality animated film inherits and carries forward the essence of traditional Chinese culture, and conveys educational significance to audiences of all ages, thus achieving a unity of vision and meaning.
The Concept Poster was First Exposed, Incorporating Images in “Circular Narrative”
With the release date of “Eight Immortals” officially scheduled, the first concept poster of the film was released, which contains various Chinese elements, making it entertaining and classical.
Adopting a “circular narrative”, the concept poster takes the information contained in the “circle” as the subject of the narrative. Around the circle, the texture of The Eight Diagrams is looming, suggesting the ingenious integration of “Eight Immortals” into the Taoist culture, which contains a philosophical meaning in the context of the new folklore. More interior is the confrontation between water and fire, supplemented by ancient Chinese images such as cranes, gods, houses, etc., forming a spectacular picture of fierce competition in the oriental atmosphere. Around the center of the circle appear eight key props – jade, sword, gourd, flower basket, and palm–leaf fans, ingeniously echoing the Eight Immortals. Looking inside, the center of the circle is spotted with a Tai Chi diagram, which creates a visual effect of Chinese style.
It is worth mentioning that in terms of visual effects, the “Eight Immortals” creation team tries to make images of higher quality, and has specially introduced Korea’s mature special effects technology to create a realistic and attracting oriental visual system, to achieve a VFX of the same level as that of animated movies of the same.
It is reported that the animated film “Eight Immortals” was produced by Beijing Round Road Culture Development Co., Ltd., and co-produced by Beijing Jintiandi Film & Television Culture Co., Ltd., with its voicing directed by Zhang Yunming, Chinese director of Disney International Dubbing Company, was distributed by Zhengteng Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd. The film will be released nationwide on October 20.
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