2024 China Cybersecurity Week

On September 9,  the Main Forum of the 2024 China Cybersecurity Week of the Cyber Security Technology Summit Forum and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cyber Security Conference was held at the Nansha International Financial Forum Conference Center in Guangzhou. Wang Jingtao, Deputy Director of the Central Cyberspace Administration and Deputy Director of the National Cyberspace Administration, Zhang Shaokang, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province attended the event and delivered a speech. Du Xinshan, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee and Minister of Publicity Department, presided over the event.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee put forward a series of new tasks and new requirements such as “strengthening the construction of the network security system and establishing the artificial intelligence security supervision system”, which pointed out the way forward for the national network security work and provided fundamental guidelines. To do well in national cyber security in the new era, first of all, to improve the command and coordination function of cyber security, and build a national cyber security defense system with deep deployment and efficient coordination; The second is to establish an artificial intelligence safety supervision system and vigorously improve the level of artificial intelligence safety governance; Third, strengthen data security governance and supervision capabilities, standardize and promote the safe and orderly flow and effective use of data; Fourth, strengthen the construction of network security science and technology forces, and accelerate the formation of a benign ecology for the integrated development of the education technology industry.

Guangdong will focus on safeguarding the “south gate” of national cybersecurity and actively demonstrate new responsibilities and new achievements in jointly building a national cybersecurity defense line. To control the information infrastructure is the top priority of cybersecurity protection. We should further strengthen the construction of cybersecurity institutions and explore the establishment of a protection responsibility system. With a deep understanding that data is the most important basic strategic resource in the information age, we will focus on the protection of key data resources and strengthen security supervision and management in a coordinated manner. Deeply grasp the uncertainty of artificial intelligence technology and the universality of application, adhere to inclusive, prudent and agile governance, and establish and improve the artificial intelligence safety supervision system.

The National Network Security Standardization Technical Committee released version 1.0 of the “Artificial Intelligence Security Governance Framework”, and the National Computer Network Emergency Technical Processing Coordination Center announced the “Test results of 2024 Artificial Intelligence Technology Enabling network security Application”.

The forum was co-hosted by ten departments including the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Cyberspace Administration of the CPC Central Committee. About 800 people, including heads of relevant government departments, well-known experts and scholars, representatives of enterprises and institutions, and journalists, attended the event.

On September 12, the “Rule of Law Day” theme event of the 2024China Cybersecurity Week was held in Guangzhou. With the theme of “Intelligent Interconnection and co-governance according to law”, the event was guided by the Network Security Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, hosted by the Guangdong Public Security Department, and hosted by the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau

There is online and physical activities in the “Rule of Law Day”. Meanwhile there holds network security theme exhibitions simultaneously to publicize and popularize network security legal knowledge to the public, explain national network identity authentication public services, and introduce the results of the “Net 2024” special action. On the same day, a total of more than 300 people from provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, planning cities and other public security departments related to the network security department, Guangdong province, Guangzhou, some party and government organs, enterprises and institutions in charge of network security, as well as Internet companies, telecommunications operators, etc. were invited to participate.


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