“The Story of Yu-Looking for Power” to be Screened on Sept. 15th

The animated film “The Story of Yu-Looking for Power” published its poster today, officially announcing its release on September 15th. Adapted from the ancient mythology, the story of “King Yu combating the flood” appeared on the big screen for the first time, showing the process of a juvenile cultivating his superhuman strength and growing up.

Adapted from an Ancient Myth, “King Yu combating the flood” Premiering on Big Screen

Adapted from ancient myths and legends, “The Story of Yu-Looking for Power” tells the story of Gong Sheng the God of Water,bewitched by devils, flooding the mortal world in the ancient times when humans and gods coexisted. Yu was born with an auspicious omon, and the witch predicted that he would shoulder the mission of saving the people. He was sent to Yi Mountain to accept training with five partners, in the expectation to inspire his inherent superhuman strength, defeat the god of water and save the people before the advent of the century’s catastrophe. This is the first time that the mythology of “Great Yu Controls the Waters”  has been adapted into an animated film. In the poster released today, Yu in his early youth makes an appearance with his five partners, as well as Gong Sheng the God of Water. With the billowy floods dashing to the sky,the vigorous youngsters rise high in their spirits while the God of Water blinks with evil in his eyes, foreshadowing a great battle between the upright and evil.

Endowed with Mission from Heaven, Becoming a Floodwater-Control Hero through Hardships

“The Story of Yu-Looking for Power” portrays the self-growth history of the ancient hero Yu who controlled the water. The hero does not form with a single leap. Born with prophecy, he grew up into a clever, mischievous, overbearing and naughty child under the spoiling favors of his family. Fortunately, he took up his responsibilities in the face of the disastrous flooding, diligently trained himself and finally inspired his inherent divine power. Confronting floods and demons, Yu never feared or retreated, finally bringing the floods under control and ending the catastrophe, with his persevering spirit of water-control recorded into history. From a naughty child to a human leader passing down through generations, juvenile Yu has experienced all kinds of hardships, the whole process positive and inspiring, setting a role model for kids to follow and making the film an ideal choice for families to watch in September.



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