SKAM France – Konbini Commitment Award at CANNESERIES


In partnership with the Festival CANNESERIES, KONBINI is proud to create an award in line with its progressive and positive values. For this second year, a talent or series will be honoured for its artistic quality and its social, innovative or revolutionary dimension during the festival.

“It is an honour to be able to give the Konbini Commitment Award to the team of SKAM France. This prize highights and rewards the energy of French original creation. This outstanding series addresses issues affecting teenagers, their behaviour, their privacy, with a lot of truth and benevolence.” explain David Creuzot and Lucie Beudet, founders and presidents of Konbini.

“CANNESERIES is delighted to see SKAM France rewarded with such honours. It inherently fits in with the values carried by the festival, especially diversity. This genuine series makes it possible for the audience to identify to its characters. Rewarding SKAM France means celebrating youth, freedom of tone and multicultural speech.” states Albin Lewi, Artistic Director of CANNESERIES.SKAM France season 9 is currently broadcasted on Slash in France.

The team of SKAM France will be at CANNESERIES on Wednesday, April 6 at 4pm for a public encounter at the Espace Miramar as part of the festival’s Cannes Rendez-vous.

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