Open 3D Foundation releases Open 3D Engine 22.10

O3D Engine Logo (full color version)

The Open 3D Foundation has released Open 3D Engine (O3DE) 22.10, the latest stable release of the new open-source “AAA-capable” game engine based on Amazon Web Services’ Lumberyard engine.

The release introduces new Sky Atmosphere and Stars components and an experimental new Terrain system that can “handle 16km x 16km worlds and beyond at high framerates”.

Highlights for 22.10.0

Onboarding and Collaboration: Remote projects, templates, and networked asset cache have made it easier to onboard and collaborate with other team members.

Multiplayer: With improvements to the client-server connection, debugging, and network spawning, setting up multiplayer is more straightforward than before.

Artist workflow: Improvements for artists include animation import, root motion extraction, and motion matching (experimental).

Usability: We’ve made usability improvements to various features including Viewport Interaction (Viewport entity selection, Prefab edit mode), Gem Creation Wizard, Asset Browser, and hot reloading of assets.

Terrain performance: The new O3DE Terrain system is in preview. For developers who have found O3DE best for working in smaller or more enclosed environments, now you can start working on larger-scale worlds with significant performance improvements for both editing and runtime/rendering. It can now handle 16km x 16km worlds and beyond at high framerates.

New features: Sky Atmosphere and Stars components.

For a full list of new features in O3DE 22.10, please check :

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