Mansour Bahrami: Nasty is a good movie about Ilie Nastase

Mansour Bahrami: Nasty is a good movie about Ilie Nastase, he is one of the world’s tennis legends

The documentary film “Nasty” about Ilie Nastase, one of the greats in the history of world tennis, with the presence of Mansour Bahrami, a famous Iranian tennis player, and Boris Becker, a world-famous tennis player, in the Special Screening section of the 77th Cannes International Film Festival of France went on the screen.

According to the report of Mansour Jahani, an independent and international cinema journalist, The documentary film “Nasty” co-directed by Tudor GIURGIU, Tudor D POPESCU, Cristian PASCARIU, Ilie Nastase and with the presence of this Romanian tennis legend, Mansour Bahrami the famous Iranian tennis player living in France, Boris Becker the famous tennis player of the world, Thierry Frémaux the artistic director Cannes International Film Festival, directors and other actors of this film; It was screened in the Special Screening section at the 77th Cannes International Film Festival at the Salle Agnès Varda.

Ilie Nastase is one of the biggest tennis legends in the world

Mansour Bahrami, a famous Iranian tennis player, in an interview with Mansour Jahani, said: Ilie Nastase is one of the biggest legends of tennis in the world, and I have the honor of knowing him for more than 50 years, for the first time in he came to Tehran in 1968 and played with the Iranian team; At that time, I was collecting balls for him and his style of play really affected my style, because I enjoyed his game a lot and he became one of my role models in tennis.

For about 20 years, we played tennis matches with Ilie Nastase

This professional tennis player continued his words and added: Ilie Nastase played tennis matches for about 20 years and we played together about 15-20 times a year and maybe 300, 400 times and he is a very emotional person. And he really pays attention to everyone and has a very big heart, and now that I saw him at the 77th edition of the Cannes International Film Festival, he is older, but he still has the same love for me as always, and I am very happy that someone I am one of his friends.

I have many good memories with Ilie Nastase

When Ilie Nastase came out of Salle Agnès Varda, he said to Mansour Bahrami twice: Bravo Mansour; this famous Iranian tennis player said about this close relationship with this world tennis legend: During these last 10 years, we rarely see each other, but 40 years of friendship and friendship is very important that it cannot be easily forgotten. We have many good memories together.

I saw Nastase after many years at Roland Carros stadium in Paris

In another part of his speech, Bahrami said: When I traveled abroad from Iran, I was homeless and had no place to sleep because of the revolution. I could not play tennis and I stayed in Iran and after a few years I went abroad; I had not seen him for several years and at the Roland Garros stadium in Paris, I saw him from a distance and when he approached; I got up and greeted him and told him that you remember my Ilie Nastase? He said: Mansour, I have been missing you for many years and I thought that you were killed in the events of the revolution or something bad happened to you. He said if there is anything I can do for you, tell me so that I can help you.

That night, I had nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat

He also said: Because at that time, Ilie Nastase was one of the famous heroes of the world. Honestly, that night, I had nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat; But the fact that he just told me: “If Mansour has done anything for me, I am at your service”, that was enough for me. I said to him: Nastase, everything is great, everything is very good, thank you for your kindness, but it’s okay, we’ll see each other again.

At the end of this interview, Mansour Bahrami emphasized: In fact, that night, I had no place to sleep, but I did not want to go to Ilie Nastase’s house, and I had to pull myself out of the water in another way. First, the documentary film “Nasty” starts with my words, which I mention. They made a good documentary about him. I am happy to see this movie and meet him again.

Photos By: Mansour Jahani

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