Japanese Animation “Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire” all characters joined forces. Story location moved to Singapore for the first time
“Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire” is the 23rd sequel of the animated “Detective Conan” film series, directed by Yonggang Zhijia, and with Ogura Chongyu as screenwriter. With Singapore as the story location, the work revolves around the world’s largest sapphire, The Fist, which sank to the bottom of the sea at the end of the 19th century.
The film premiered in Japan on April 12, 2019, and box office until August 25, 2019 was Yen 9.183 billion (about CNY 622 million) . The film has screened in China since September 13 and so far box office grossed CNY 182 million.
“Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire” can attract so much attention, one of the main reasons being, this theater version contributed a number of first times: it was the first time Conan went abroad, far to Singapore to solve the mystery; it was directed by a female director, the first time; Xin Yi and Xiao Lan showed their romance officially, the first time. The theater version also welcomed the popular heavyweight characters, Strange Thieves Kidd and Jingji. Kidd was the main character of another work by Qingshan Gangchang, “Magic Fast Fight”, originally named “Black Feather Fast Fight” for his outstanding appearance and pleasing character. His popularity soared after guest appearance in “The Detective Conan”, in which he became the “dream lover” of countless teenage girls. Japan’s strongest karate Jingji also airborne the Lion City.
A few scenes in the film deserve attention: Kidd’s self-mocking when he leans against the wall after a gunshot wound, really cool; Jingji heroic fight in a restaurant; and Xiaolan’s fight in the smoke against the many is heart pounding. This time Conan’s analysis is still right on, but in the end, it is the cooperative effort which leads to winning, and this message is GREAT!
The film animator, Mr. Aoyama first visited Singapore in 2016 for the Singapore Writers Festival. He was attracted by the unique culture and scenery of The Lion City and coincidentally inspired his creativity, which subsequently set Singapore as the main location of this new film.
In addition to bringing a series of wonderful and compact stories, the classic characters also take the audiences to explore the other face of Singapore. The film features several famous Singapore attractions, including the Merlion, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore Skyview Wheel, Raffles Hotel, and so on, both for anime lovers and for all, old and young.
“Detective Conan: The Fist of Blue Sapphire” hot box office also led to new development of Singapore’s tourism industry.
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