In 2023, China’s game market generated half annual revenue of 144.263 billion yuan

The Report of China Game Industry from January to June 2023 was officially released. From January to June, the revenue of domestic game market was 144.263 billion yuan, with a month-on-month growth of 22.2%. The market recovery trend is obvious, and it is expected to see a relatively strong bottoming rebound in the second half of the year. The number of game users in China reached a record high of 668 million, up 0.35% year on year.

The United States, Japan and South Korea are still the main overseas markets for China’s mobile games, while overseas emerging markets such as the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia continue to maintain their upward momentum.

Among the top 100 overseas revenue mobile games, strategy and role-playing accounted for more than 50%; shooting and leisure accounted for 8.79% and 8.44% respectively. Although the proportion of strategy is still the first, the gap between the second place has narrowed.

In the market segment, mobile games account for 73.97% of the actual sales revenue, still dominating the domestic market; client games 22.84%; web games only 1.64%.

Among them, the actual sales revenue of mobile game market was 106.705 billion yuan, down 3.41% year on year, up 29.2% month on month, with strong recovery momentum; the actual sales revenue of client game market was 32.943 billion yuan, up 7.17% year on year, thanks to the steady strengthening of head e-sports and secondary games; the actual sales revenue of web game was 2.385 billion yuan, down 11.87% year on year, continuing the downward trend.

It is worth noting that in the first half of this year, the actual sales revenue of China’s e-sports market was 64.476 billion yuan, up 1.2% year on year.”The e-sports industry is coming out from the trough of the epidemic, and the upcoming Asian Games in Hangzhou will be the icing on the cake for the e-sports market.


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