Human-Machine Integration: The Era of Robotic Art

The exhibition “Human-Machine Integration: The Era of Robotic Art” is being presented in Beijing’s 798 CUBE, focusing on the interactions and coexistence between humans and machines in artistic creation. It brings audiences a fresh “art + technology” visual and auditory experience, revealing the infinite charm of the robot art era.

With the rapid development of science and technology, artificial intelligence is leading a profound social revolution, especially for the relationship between humans and nature. AI technologies such as GPT are driving significant changes in various fields including cultural economy, copyright methods, occupational identities, and social structures, while also triggering value-oriented challenges and disrupting traditional concepts, forming new paradigms that challenge conventional wisdom.

The curator of the exhibition “Human-Machine Integration,” Zhang Hai Tao, explores artificial intelligence as a starting point and presents a systematic collection of works from 34 artists in groups. Through these artworks, the interdependence between machines and humans is discussed, along with how to create a harmonious world where people and machines coexist. In this process, the balance between human beings, machines, society, and nature becomes an issue that we must face and resolve.

The exhibition presents diverse forms of robotic art through three units, demonstrating to visitors the richness of this emerging field.

Humanoid Robots: Human-Machine Foretelling

The exhibition mainly showcases humanoid robots that represent the socialization and ethical relationships of post-humanity, such as bionic games for life, AI original sin, AI willpower, machine privacy, occupation replacement, information chaos, supernatural powers, etc. Many works attempt to touch on the boundaries between humans and machines. A lot of artworks explore core topics related to emotions, imagination, self-learning, soul, subconscious mind, and reflexive consciousness in machines’ future.


The Superman Machine: Bionic Life

The Cyborg Machine is composed of blocks that primarily symbolize regenerated limbs or organs through bionic imitation. Since human natural functions are no longer suitable for the future super-human era where humans and machines coexist, it is necessary to implement the Human Superman Plan. In addition to bionics, the interface also extends humanity’s eternal life and explores new emotional and ethical relationships between humans and machines: The author attempts to express abnormal automatic fables, automated life states, and philosophical insights into human values.

Non-humanoid robots: Autonomous Nature

The artworks explore topics such as the expansion and fusion of human-machine bodies through bionic imitation, lifelike motion biotechnology, the materialization of a utopian cyborg world, secondary natural beings, unknown creatures, dark matter, and training for human-machine bodies.

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