Annecy Festival Residency 2025: Call for Applicants!

With the support of the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the Département de la Haute-Savoie, the Drac Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and the CNC, CITIA, organiser of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, supports creation through a residency for animation feature film graphic development.

As the Annecy Festival Residency 2024 ended on 28th June and the 3 selected projects – Le Cabanon de l’oncle Jo, Zako and Insectarium – have been showcased at the Mifa as part of a Partners Pitch, it’s now time to submit your application to take advantage of this support in 2025!

Dedicated to animation feature film graphic development, on 4th April 2025 the Residency will welcome 3 new projects and for a period of 3 months their project leaders can take advantage of a work space conducive to exploration (at Les Papeteries – Image Factory), of a mentor suited to their project and assistance from the CITIA teams.

Do you have an animation feature film in development?

From now and before 10th September 2024, you can apply to join the Annecy Festival Residency in 2025!


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