Animated film “GG Bond: Auspicious Pig Year” Announced to Set its Release Date
The fifth film of the classic car family animation series IP “GG Bond” – “GG Bond: an Auspicious Pig Year” is set to be released on February 7, 2019 (Lunar January 3rd). Today, a set of “New World” stills of the film was released, with its picture quality improved significantly. The new work contains new elements such as the human world and the fantasy world, breaking the pig world setting in previous works of the series, which will subvert everyone’s imaginations.
“New World” Stills Exposed Scenes with Magnificent Visual Effects
The “New World” stills released today are full of bright and colorful tones. Without characters in the stills, the bustling human world and the amazing fantasy world are fascinating. and the scenes of refreshing. Adorable boudoirs, shady paths in the afternoon, colorful fantasy parks, forests with exotic flowers and fruit, and sparkling amusement parks at night are magnificent. With such delicate images, GG Bond: an Auspicious Pig Year is beyond audiences’ imaginations
As an evergreen tree in the Chinese animation industry, the GG Bond Series IP is loved by the audience through continuous improvement of content and technology. It can be seen from the stills that the visual effect of “GG Bond: an Auspicious Pig Year” has undergone a magnificent transformation. It is reported that the production company’s humming animation has carried out technological innovation, independently developed the rendering system, and strives to achieve the ultimate in every detail, so that the audience unwittingly devote themselves to the enthusiasm and joyful “new world” of film construction.
Worldview setting breaks through and reshapes Pig Pigman into a new start for “Fuzhu”
It is understood that “Pig Pig Year of the Pig” is not only upgraded from the screen technology, but also breaks through the original single world of the pig world and sets a new world view. The lost girl from the human world and the pig man swayed the fantasy world, and the two world elements collided with the wonderful fireworks in the film. The pig man who has always met with everyone in the festive image of Hung Hom is not only a childhood memory of many adult audiences, but also a partner who is now accompanying generations of children. In animation, he is a great hero, solving difficulties for everyone. The children went on an adventure. On the day of the coincidence of the animated pig year, the pig man turned into a “Fu pig” to bring good luck to everyone.
“Pig Pig·Annual Pigeon Year of the Pig” tells the story of the maiden “Auspicious” to the fantasy worldcoming across her childhood hero GG Bond . When I met my, in order to go home, the two started a ridiculous and thrilling adventure.
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