Modeler 1 for Houdini released (formerly Direct Modeling)

Alexey Vanzhula has released Modeler 1.0, formerly known as Direct Modeling for Houdini. New features include a new alignment menu where you can use tools for transformation. The menu includes tools for working with a compass, geometry centring, quick flattening with gestures and many other transformation tools. There is also a new Deform Menu (N hotkey) with several interactive deformation tools including a new Lattice tool Other new features include the ability to override Modeler startup selection pick style, combined hard and soft boolean tools combined in a new menu called Boolean, a Fix Curves tool that helps get rid of broken lines in open polygons, a Select Curves tool that helps to select open polygons in the model Modeler costs $100 for a perpetual license. To find out more, visit Gumroad

What you will have for $100:

  1. Edit Mesh state

Edit Mesh is a standalone modeling environment, which allows you to use classic mesh modeling tools. You can quickly create models, UV maps and retopologize high-poly mesh just like in other programs.

  1. Soft Boolean

Soft Boolean can create procedural models using boolean operations, but unlike the standard Boolean SOP, it creates a soft transition between cutter and main geometry.

  1. KitBash

The KitBash Python panel allows you to catalog geometric data without saving them in separate files. This allows you to create different versions of models or use mesh parts to build more complex models (kitbashing). KitBash can create subfolders and view models in the form of thumbnails.

  1. Insert Mesh

Insert Mesh is a HDA node that allows embed parts of geometry in any place using selected polygons. You can use this node in the Network Editor as usual, but the main feature is using it in conjunction with the KitBash Python panel. That means you can create your own sets of geometry parts in KitBash and insert them later in your model with Insert Mesh technology.

  1. Zone Menus

Thanks to Qt and PySide libraries Modeler has its own marking menu system called Zone Menus. You can create very customizable menus using a simple Python syntax. Zone Menus can contain submenus and gestures. Gestures allow to call often used tools as fast as possible.

Source: Gumroad

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