2024 Amazon Cloud Technology China Summit

On May 29, 2024, Amazon Cloud Technology China Summit was held in Shanghai. During the summit, Chu Ruisong, global Vice president of Amazon and President of Amazon Cloud Technology Greater China, comprehensively elaborated on how Amazon Cloud Technology uses rich products and services in computing power, models, and application levels to become the first choice for enterprises to build and apply generative AI. In addition, he also detailed that Amazon Cloud Technology adheres to the principle of customer to customer, supports the digital transformation and innovation of industry customers by working with local partners, provides safe, stable and reliable services, and continues to deepen local and global links to help customers succeed. At the summit, Amazon Cloud Technology also announced a series of strategic cooperation and partnership programs around the industry’s digital transformation and generative AI innovation.

In China, Amazon Cloud Technology has set up special industry teams for eight industries, including automotive, manufacturing, life sciences, retail e-commerce, media and entertainment, games, software services and finance, to promote the industry strategy and become a trusted partner for enterprises’ digital transformation. Amazon Cloud Technology focuses on three aspects to provide value to industry customers, including strengthening the understanding of the development opportunities and challenges faced by industry customers, and improving the ability to serve vertical industries; Work with partners to create innovative industry solutions; Build industry ecology together with partners.
At the summit, Amazon Cloud Technology announced the launch of the “Amazon Cloud Technology Industry Partner Program.” Amazon Cloud Technology will invest industry business experts, cloud technology experts, and rich cloud service resources, join hands with consulting service partners with deep industry, system integration capabilities, and vertical software and hardware developers with industry influence, and jointly create and promote a new generation of cloud-based industry solutions for customers’ pain points and needs in eight key industries and key scenarios. Work together to help industry customers lead industrial change.
The combination of new energy, mobile network, generative AI and other trends is rewriting the pattern of the century-old automobile industry on a global scale, profoundly reshaping the product form, production mode, use experience and business model of the automobile, and opening a trillion-dollar new track. To this end, Amazon Cloud Technology and Sivitu New further strengthen strategic cooperation, jointly design and launch localized services and exclusive solutions for the automotive industry. Based on Amazon Cloud Technology’s world-leading computing and storage services, as well as 4D’s new geographic data information service capabilities, the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of intelligent connected vehicles, intelligent driving development and mass production. The cooperation between the two parties aims to vigorously support customers in the field of intelligent network technology implementation and product landing development, and accelerate the promotion of local safe, stable and efficient technology iteration of the industry.



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