

加利福尼亞州洛杉磯– 2019年10月21日–美國電影市場(AFM®)今天宣布,今年的會議和節目將有更多確認的演講者,與AFM的市場和行業放映同時進行。在六天的時間裏,超過150個思想領袖,決策者和專家將在三個專門階段中討論與全球電影制作人最相關的主題和問題。今年的市場是其第40屆活動, 並將於11月6日至13日在聖莫尼卡舉行。


開幕式會議的主題是“打破常規:創新者”,聚集了 Erik Feig, Picturestart的CEO、Tim League, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema的創始人、以及 Wattpad Studios的領導者Aron Levitz ; 還有NEON的創建人和CEO Tom Quinn。

作為新電視會議的壹部分,包括迪斯尼原創節目副總裁Lauren Kisilevsky,歷史頻道開發與節目副總裁Mike Stiller和終生原創電影節目副總裁Tia Maggini在內的網絡高管將展示對電影長度的節目需求以及重要性。

國際預售市場的制作小組成員包括Cold Iron Pictures首席執行官Miranda Bailey,H Collective制作部總裁Sherryl Clark,Cornerstone Films聯合總裁Mark Gooder和國際發行和交流的執行副總裁Nat McCormick。

制片人艾菲·布朗(Effie Brown)將以小組成員和顧問的身份加入AFM受歡迎的Pitch Conference。

溫斯頓·貝克(Winston Baker)主次沈浸式峰會。新演講者包括媒體與娛樂合作夥伴關系負責人Rick Hack,英特爾工作室,XR合作夥伴關系主管勞拉·赫茲菲爾德(Laura Hertzfeld),Verizon Media的Yahoo!新聞,國家研究小組電影導演Randal Kleiser和戰略計劃總監Lauren Xandra。

此外,AFM在洛伊斯飯店(Loews Hotel)舉辦的Palisades舞臺還將舉辦圓桌會議和演講,探討特殊而及時的問題。重點包括:

√Audiences Want More: :將各種項目推向市場-與ReFrame合作展示,由FilmNation首席執行官Glen Basner,制片人Zanne Devine和Cassian Elwes以及ShivHans Pictures制作總裁Monica Levinson主持。

√Seizing the Moment::在空前的可見性時代制作LGBTQ內容-與Outfest合作展示,由River Gallo,作家/導演/明星,Ponyboi,Stephen Kelliher,銀行電影銷售與行銷總監,Keya Khayatian,合夥人,聯合人才代理公司,LaShawn McGhee,Revry聯合創始人兼CPO和Valerie Stadler Big Swing Productions和Outfest董事會。

√與Submarine Entertainment聯合總裁Josh Braun,Very Special Projects制片人Alexandra Johnes,Fishbowl Films的聯合創始人/制片人Melanie Miller,壹起發行和獲利專題紀錄片,Abramorama。

√Respecting the Genre: 為什麼有些恐怖電影會起作用而另壹些恐怖電影卻不會起作用?Vpices制作人Roxanne Benjamin,Southbound,Epic Pictures首席執行官Patrick Ewald,Vanishing Angle開發與制作副總裁Natalie Metzger

√Shooting Intimate Scenes–與親密協調員Amanda Blumenthal, Euphoria,The L Word: Generation Q,,《低俗怪談:天使之城》和Intimacy Professionals Association創始人。

Adam Lewinson, Tubi TV
Alexandra Jones, Very Special Projects
Alex Ferrari, Indie Film Hustle
Alysa Nahmias, Ajna Films
Amanda Blumenthal, Intimacy Professionals Association
Amanda Marshall, Cold Iron Pictures
Anthony Layser, Xumo
Arjun Mendhi, MTonomy
Baba Uppal, Secret Location
Barbara Mudge, Worldwide Film Entertainment
Benjamin Wiessner, Producer
Brad Krevoy, Motion Picture Corporation of America
Bruce Eisen, Digital Advisors
Cassian Elwes, Producer
Clay Epstein, Film Mode Entertainment
Colin McCormack, SAGIndie
Cynthia Tollett, DGA
Darren Ehlers, Entertainment Partners
David Offenberg, Loyola Marymount
David White, SHIFT72
Denise Denson, MTonomy
Dr. Patrice Poujol, Lumiere
Effie Brown, Producer
Emmanuel Itier, The Wonderland Group
Erik Feig, Picturestart
Eunice Shin, PROPHET
Evan Saxon, Abramorama
Floris Bauer, Gunpowder & Sky
George Campanellas, Invest Cyprus
Glen Basner, FilmNation
Gregg Schwenk, Newport Beach Film Festival
Heather Rae, Iron Circles Pictures
Illya Szilak, Cloudred
Ivo Felt, Allfilm
Jānis Kalējs, Producer
Jason M. Berman, Mandalay Pictures
Jeff Shultz, Chief Business Officer, Pluto TV
Jennifer Chavarria, Kite & Lightning
Joanelle Romero, Red Nation Celebration Institute
John Hadity, EP Financial Solutions
John Zois, Anton
Jordana Mollick, Semi-Formal Productions
Josh Braun, Submarine Entertainment
Joy Ganes, Producer
Julian Franco, Vudu
Karen Robson, Pryor Cashman LLP
Katherine MacDonald, Paramount Pictures
Katya Mtsitouridze, ROSKINO
Kayvan Mashayekh, Producers Without Borders
Keya Khayatian, United Talent Agency
LaShawn McGhee, Revry
Laura Hertzfeld, Verizon Media’s Yahoo! News
Lauren Kisilevsky, The Disney Channel
Lauren Xandra, National Research Group
Lee Jessup,
Linda Nelson, IndieRights
Lise Anderson, WGAW
Manuel Badel, Badel Media
Mark Gooder, Cornerstone Films
Marko Post, VFX Specialist
Megan Gilbride, Producer
Melanie Miller, Fishbowl Films
Michalis P. Michael, Invest Cyprus
Mike Stiller, History Channel
Miranda Bailey, Cold Iron Pictures
Monica Levinson, ShivHans Pictures
Myfa Cirinna, Entertainment Partners
Nat McCormick, The Exchange
Natalie Metzger, Vanishing Angle
Patrick Ewald, Epic Pictures
Paul Audley, FilmLA
Paul Bales, The Asylum
Paul Hertzberg, CineTel Films, Inc.
Pierre David, ReelOne/Lance Entertainment
Pilar Alessandra, On the Page
Randal Kleiser, Randal Kleiser Productions
Randi Feldman, Cinema Workshops
Richard Botto, Stage 32
Rick Hack, Intel Studios
River Gallo, Ponyboi
Roxanne Benjamin, Producer
Russell Schwartz, Pandemic Marketing Group
Ryan Koo, No Film School
Shaked Berenson, Wood Entertainment
Sherryl Clark, The H Collective
Sr. Rose Pacatte, Pauline Center for Media Studies
Stephen Kelliher, Bankside Films
Steve Nicholaides, Producer
Steven Wolfson, UCLA
Suzy Sammons, The Giving Company
Tanel Toom, Director
Ted Schilowitz, Paramount Pictures
Tia Maggini, Lifetime Network
Tim League, Alamo Drafthouse
Tobin Armbrust, Virgin Produced
Tom Quinn, NEON
Tony Vassiliadis, MarVista Entertainment
Trevor Crafts, Macrocosm
Valerie Stadler, Big Swing Productions / Outfest
William Bibbiani, Bloody Disgusting
Zanne Devine, Producer

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