
加拿大国家电影局将在今年的安纳西国际动画电影节(6月10日至15日)上展出三部短片和一部VR作品,这些都是正式比赛。 Annecy 2019将迎来三位世界知名电影制片人的回归:Regina Pessoa,她的短片Oncle Thomas – Lacomptabilitédesjours(《托马斯叔叔:度日如年》,Ciclope Filmes / NFB / Les Armateurs);以及Chris Lavis和Maciek Szczerbowski(克莱德亨利制片公司),他们的VR体验GYMNASIA(NFB / Felix&Paul Studios)的欧洲首演。 LeCandège(The Procession,NFB)是Pascal Blanchet和Rodolphe Saint-Gelais的第一次合作,将在官方比赛中进行筛选,由SylvieTrouvé和Dale Hayward设计的Bone Mother(NFB)将在Young Audiences比赛中进行筛选。

除参加Mifa市场外,NFB还将在其他节日部分展出。《托马斯叔叔:度日如年》(13’)是关于导演里贾纳佩索阿和她的叔叔之间的特殊关系。这部电影证明了她对这位古怪的人的热爱,她在成为电影制片人时发挥了关键作用。 Pessoa在2006年凭借Happy Ending的Tragic Story赢得了Annecy Cristal短片奖。她的最新作品是她迄今为止最个人的项目 – 一部庆祝爱与差异的重要电影。

游行:在凯瑟琳致命的车祸之后,她无法和丈夫菲利普说话,她必须忍受家庭葬礼仪式。游行(11’23“)是插画家和图形小说作家Pascal Blanchet之间的第一次合作,后者以Rapide-Blanc而闻名,他与Wes Anderson,以及动画师和电影制片人Rodolphe Saint-Gelais合作,他最初以开幕式而闻名Dédéàtraversles brumes的特征序列。 Theatre拥有由Pierre Lapointe和Philippe Brault设计的音乐,拥有别致的视觉风格,灵感来自20世纪中叶的审美和装饰艺术。

骨妈妈:一个虚荣而傲慢的青年敢于进入巴巴亚加的骨头生活之家。什么出现将永远填补我们恐怖的夜晚(年轻的观众,8’24“)。凭借多年的创作经验,蒙特利尔动画二人组SylvieTrouvé和Dale Hayward于2011年创立了See Creature Animation。两人都参加了NFB的Hothouse学徒计划; Dale在2007年(Roy G Biv)和Sylvie在2008年(Orange)。

GYMNASIA:走进一所废弃学校的静谧之地,进入GYMNASIA,一个迷失的童年幽灵般的生命等待着你的地方。 GYMNASIA(VR,6’)由奥斯卡提名的动画二人组Clyde Henry Productions(Chris Lavis和Maciek Szczerbowski,Tutli-Putli夫人的董事)执导。总部位于蒙特利尔的音乐家帕特里克·沃森(Patrick Watson)为体验创作音乐,并通过Headspace Studio提供身临其境的声音设计和捕捉。该项目还得到了Adam Mickiewicz研究所的支持,该研究所是波兰共和国文化和国家遗产部Niepodległa计划的一部分。今年早些时候,在安纳西2018年的预览演示之后,这一体验在Tribeca电影节上首次亮相.GYMNASIA将作为其HUM(AI)N展览的一部分在Phi中心展出,该展览将持续到9月15日。

其他节日部分:林恩史密斯的每日汤(NFB,2013,3;)将在《灵魂美食》特别节目中进行筛选。克里斯拉维斯(GYMNASIA)将出席“透过镜子:会议中VR竞赛的不同观点 – 制作”一节。 Mifa的NFB: – NFB英语动画工作室执行制片人Michael Fukushima将参与讨论动画中的女性(WIA)和Les femmes s’animent(LFA):创建归属环境(英语)。 – NFB法国动画工作室执行制片人Julie Roy将在Mifa Pitches参与者的培训研讨会上分享她的专业知识,该研讨会名为“市场准备:识别和目标,以说服潜在的合作伙伴”。 – 两部作品,Paloma Dawkins的《对称性博物馆》(NFB,2018,20’)和Clyde Henry Productions的GYMNASIA将在Mifa多媒体区的加拿大VR空间(展位6.010)展出。 在nfb.ca和annecy.org了解更多信息。

Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days



Canada’s National Film Board Plans an Annecy Tour de Force

The National Film Board of Canada will make a strong showing at this year’s Annecy International Animation Film Festival (June 10-15) with three short films and one VR work, all in official competition.Annecy 2019 will see the return of three world-renowned filmmakers: Regina Pessoa, with her short film Oncle Thomas – La comptabilité des jours (Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days, Ciclope Filmes/NFB/Les Armateurs); and Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski (Clyde Henry Productions), with the European premiere of their VR experience GYMNASIA (NFB/Felix & Paul Studios). Le cortège (The Procession, NFB), the first collaboration by Pascal Blanchet and Rodolphe Saint-Gelais, will screen in the official competition and Bone Mother (NFB), by Sylvie Trouvé and Dale Hayward, will screen in the Young Audiences competition.The NFB will also be featured in other festival sections, in addition to attending the Mifa market. Uncle Thomas: Accounting for the Days(13′) is about the special relationship between director Regina Pessoa and her uncle. The film is a testament to her love for this eccentric, who played a key role in her becoming a filmmaker. Pessoa won the Annecy Cristal short film award in 2006 for Tragic Story with Happy Ending. Her latest is her most personal project to date — an important film that celebrates love and difference.The Procession: After Catherine’s fatal car accident, she speaks from the beyond to her husband, Philip, who must endure the family ritual of the funeral. The Procession (11’23”) is the first collaboration between illustrator and graphic novel writer Pascal Blanchet, known for Rapide-Blanc and his work with Wes Anderson, and animator and filmmaker Rodolphe Saint-Gelais, first known for his work on the opening sequence of the feature Dédé à travers les brumes. Lavishly set to music by Pierre Lapointe and Philippe Brault, The Procession has a chic visual style inspired by a mid-20th-century aesthetic and Art Deco.

Bone Mother: A vain and arrogant youth dares to enter Baba Yaga’s living house of bones. What emerges will forever fill our nights with terror (Young Audiences, 8’24”). With their combined years of creative experience, Montreal-based animation duo Sylvie Trouvé and Dale Hayward founded See Creature Animation in 2011. Both had taken part in the NFB’s Hothouse apprenticeship program; Dale in 2007 (Roy G Biv) and Sylvie in 2008 (Orange).

GYMNASIA: Step into the stillness of an abandoned school and enter GYMNASIA, a place where the ghostly ephemera of a lost childhood await you. GYMNASIA (VR, 6′) is directed by Oscar-nominated animation duo Clyde Henry Productions (Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczerbowski, directors of Madame Tutli-Putli). Montreal-based musician Patrick Watson composed music for the experience, with immersive sound design and capture provided by Headspace Studio. The project was also supported by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute as part of the Niepodległa program of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland. The experience had its world premiere earlier this year at the Tribeca Film Festival, following a preview demonstration at Annecy 2018. GYMNASIA is being presented at the Phi Centre as part of its >HUM(AI)N exhibition, which runs through September 15.

Other festival sections: Lynn Smith’s Soup of the Day (NFB, 2013, 3;) will screen in the Gastronomy: Soul Food special program. Chris Lavis(GYMNASIA) will be on the panel of Through the Looking Glass: Diverse Perspectives on the VR Competition in the Meetings – Making of section.

The NFB at Mifa:

– Michael Fukushima, Executive Producer of the NFB’s English Animation Studio,will take part in the discussion Women in Animation (WIA) and Les femmes s’animent (LFA): Creating an Environment of Belonging (in English).

– Julie Roy, Executive Producer of the NFB’s French Animation Studio, will share her expertise with Mifa Pitches participants at a training workshop entitled Market Preparation: Identify and Target to Convince Potential Partners.

– Two works, Paloma Dawkins’ Museum of Symmetry (NFB, 2018, 20′) and GYMNASIA by Clyde Henry Productions, will be showcased in the Canadian VR space (stand 6.010) in Mifa’s multimedia zone.

Learn more at nfb.ca and annecy.org.

The Procession

Bone Mother


作者: Mercedes Milligan


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